How to make a Christmas wreath

This weekend my daughter and I went to a Christmas Wreath Making Workshop at the Golden Hill Community Garden. We were pleased to find out that wreath making is easy and fun to do!

Here’s how to do it…

1) Choose three bands of willow (or if you have none to hand a metal coat hanger will do). Spend some time bending and moulding each piece of willow to make it pliable and bendy. Then make into a circle, wrapping each piece of willow around the next to make your wreath strong and sturdy.


2) Then it is time to add foliage to your wreath. Start with ivy, looping it round and round. Then add other green foliage; at the Christmas Wreath Making Workshop there was holly, rosemary, hazelwood and more green foliage available, but you can use whatever is at hand.


3) Then it is time to add the finishing touches, such as bows, berries, ribbons, pine cones and more – this was my girl’s favourite part of the Christmas wreath making!


There are no hard and fast rules as to how your Christmas wreath should look; it’s a real chance to get creative and have fun. As one of the volunteers at the Community Garden told me, all Christmas wreaths finish up looking marvelous!

Today’s workshop at the Golden Hill Community Garden was great fun. The Community Garden regularly hold activities and events for children and families – keep an eye on the Bishopston Mum What’s On page, plus please do give the Bishopston Mum Facebook page a like for to keep up with upcoming events!